- Communicable Disease Plan
- English Language Learner Plan
- Equity Plan
- Facilities & Maintenance Plan
- Healthy & Safe Schools Plan
- Integrated Plan
- Safe Return Continuity of Services Plan
- Strategic Plan
- Student Investment Act Plan
- Suicide Prevention Plan
- Talented & Gifted (TAG) Plan
- Archived Plans
- Title 1 Plan
Communicable Disease Plan
English Language Learner Plan
Equity Plan
ODE Equity Statement
Equity: Equity in education is the notion that each and every learner will receive the necessary resources they need individually to thrive in Oregon’s schools no matter what their national origin, race, gender, sexual orientation, differently abled, first language, or other distinguishing characteristic.
Jefferson's Equity Statement
Equity is NOT equal treatment of students, but equal - and thus equitable - educational results.
With equity, all students - no exceptions - are guaranteed success in school.
Click the links below for more information:
African American / Black Student Success Plan
Latino/a/x & Indigenous Student Success Plan
Facilities & Maintenance Plan
Healthy & Safe Schools Plan
In 2017, the Oregon State Legislature passed SB 1062, which requires that, every school district, education service district, and public charter school develop a Healthy and Safe Schools Plan (HASS Plan). Each organization’s HASS Plan has specific requirements that must be included for the HASS Plan to comply with state law. Below is the plan for the Jefferson School District designed to meet the requirements of SB 1062
Jefferson School District
Healthy and Safe Schools Plan.
Responsible Party
The person responsible for administering and implementing the Healthy and Safe Schools Plan:
Name: Dawn Moorefield
Position Title: Superintendent
Phone Number: 541-327-3337 Ext 1050
Email Address:
Mailing Address: 1328 N. Second St. Jefferson OR. 97352
The person who is the designated IPM Coordinator:
Name: Richard Crane and Chris Rosenbalm
Position Title: Maintenance Supervisor
Phone Number: 541-327-3337 Ext. 1092 or 1091
Email Address: or
Mailing Address: 1328 N. Second St. Jefferson, OR. 97352
The person responsible for AHERA information:
Name: Richard Crane
Position Title: Maintenance Director
Phone Number: 541-327-3337 Ext. 1092
Email Address:
Mailing Address: 1328 N. Second St. Jefferson, OR. 97352
All facilities owned and leased by Jefferson School District where students or staff are present on a regular basis are covered by this HASS Plan. Not just instructional space. The list of those buildings and facilities is below:
Jefferson Elementary
615 N. Second. St. Jefferson, OR 97352
Jefferson Middle
1344 N. Second St. Jefferson, OR 97352
Jefferson High
2200 Talbot Road, Jefferson, OR 97352
Jefferson District Office
1328 N. Second St. Jefferson, OR 97352
Elevated Levels of Lead in Water Used for Drinking or Food Preparation
All school districts, education service districts, and public charter schools are required to test for and eliminate exposure to elevated levels of lead in water used for Drinking and Food Preparation through either remediation or eliminating access, according to OAR 333-061-0400 and OAR 581-022-2223. In conformance with those administrative rules, Jefferson School District certifies the following:
- All testing was done according to the testing requirements in OAR 333-061-0400; All samples were analyzed by a lab accredited by Oregon Health Authority to test for those materials;
- All water fixtures required to be tested under OAR 333-061-0400 were tested for elevated levels of lead in accordance with the testing schedule developed by the Oregon Health Authority; and
- Lead Testing Results are current as of 4/11/2016. You can find a copy of the results in Resources
- The testing schedule for each building covered by this plan is set forth below:
Facility Name Year of Last Test Next scheduled test Schedule or Exemption Reason
Jefferson Elementary 2021 FY 2027 FY 6 year schedule
Jefferson Middle 2021 FY 2027 FY 6 year schedule
Jefferson High 2021 FY 2027 FY 6 year schedule
Jefferson District Office 2021 FY 2027 FY 6 year schedule
Lead Paint
In order to comply with the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Renovation, Repair and Painting Program Rule, Jefferson School District will only contract with certified lead based paint renovation contractors licensed by the Oregon Construction Contractors Board.
Integrated Pest Management
Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Jefferson School District certifies that all buildings subject to the Healthy and Safe Schools Plan comply with the carbon monoxide detection standards in the state building code that was in effect when the building was originally constructed or as required by building code due to addition, upgrade, or remodel.